Among the creations of ALLAH –Durian, the king of fruits You will need a helmet to protect your head in a durian orchard . The heavy durian fruit with its formidable thorn covered husk can fall a direct hit to your head. Native to Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei , durian is nicknamed the King of fruits with its large size(up to 12 inches), distinctive flavour and unique odour. The unusual flavour and odour of the fruit have prompted many people to express diverse and passionate views ranging from deep appreciation to intense disgust. Hotels and public transportations using air-conditioners banned durian fruits. However because of its super-excellent taste, it surpasses in flavour of all other fruits in the world, according to those who tasted it. It deserves to be a King. We learn to appreciate the creation of Allah - subhanaAllah and alhamdulillah. A BUNCH OF DURIANS DURIAN REPLICA AT A ROUNDABOUT, MALAYSIA ...