OneStudio team of photographers managed to catch an early morning phenomena, which shows the greatness and blessings of Allah s.w.t. for those who remember Him. Last Saturday(19th May 2012) Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia(YADIM), Mesjid Wilayah and NGOs organised the ISTIGHASAH program with Solat Tahajjud in the early hours being followed by talks and Zikir at the Mesjid Wilayah open air area. The program started with talks by distinguished speakers at around 7.30 am and the following photos depict the interesting phenomena. SUBHANALLAH HI WA BIHAMDIH, SUBHANALLAH HIL AZEEM. 7.18 am. Soft sun ray, Qiblat view. Participants arriving. 7.44 am. Bright sun shining from the east. 8.08 am. The hot sun shining brightly while our Mufti Perak giving his talk. Some attendance seen covering themselves from the hot sun ray. 8. 15am. Bright & Hot moments. 8.32 am. a participant found shelter from the hot sun. ...